Friday, June 19, 2015


just seeing if i should take up the blog again.  a couple of people have asked about it, but i may or may not.  and this may be weird, but i've always considered this my travel blog... and since i will be living and working in colombia, i don't consider it traveling.  so i feel like if i use this blog to talk about everyday life then it defeats the point of this blog.  but i do realize to everyone else that since i'll be out of the country... that's traveling.  but.... i don't know.  first world problems in a (soon to be) third world country.

anyway drop me a line when you see this (via email or fb or some other form of communication i may have) just to see if people are actually reading this.  maybe i develop a whole new blog (obnoxious? unnecessary?) to document my time of living and teaching in colombia.