Saturday, December 1, 2012

hi all

so... not sure where this will go or how often i will post, but i decided to start my very own travel blog :)  

i am VERY excited about the adventures to be had.  so far, these are my plans....

  • january 9th - quito, ecuador - take spanish classes for three weeks
  • february 5th/6th - sao paulo, brazil - visiting friends here that i met in brazil this past july.  my flight actually comes with a 14 hour lay over in lima so i hope to explore the city for a bit.  not crazy ideal considering my flight from lima to sao paulo is 1:20am, but i'm sure all will work out.  and after booking, i also realized i'll be in brazil for carnaval!  i leave the next day.  what great planning on my part!
  • february 13th - buenos aires, argentina - not sure on my plan here but it looks like a cool place.  and will probably go to cordoba as well and maybe iguazu falls.  
  • february 21st - lima, peru - also, not sure on my plan here.  i do know i would like to make it to cusco as well and machu picchu.  at this point i don't think i'll be doing the inca trail like i had wanted, but hope to do the train and the short-ish hike.  not sure how long i'll be staying in peru.
that is all that i have planned... and these, of course, can always change... but i feel much better about having SOMETHING planned rather than just going where the wind blows.  as much as i would LOVE to do that, i needed a bit of focus in order to get me through.

i can't thank you all enough for your good wishes and confidence in me and listening to me freak out about this.  it's something i've always wanted to do... and i honestly just can't believe i'm actually going to be doing it.  i'm always a lot of talk about this kinda stuff.... not any more.  watch out world... kc is out to explore!!!