Monday, May 20, 2013

in 10 days....

sorry i have not kept up with this blog in quite some time.  i have much to update... but just wanted to let you know that i will be home in 10 days... may 30th at night.  i am hoping that this is a short trip home... a month max... before heading off again.  i need to get more pages in my passport... and hopefully a visa for vietnam. i think that southeast asia is my next stop.

i am in medellin, colombia right now and have met some good people and pretty much like this city as well.  weird to think of all the changes that happened here in recent years with the death of pablo escobar.  flying to santa marta tomorrow... and then go to cartagena where i meet up with a guy i met in valparaiso, chile.  will be good to see him again.  i love being able to meet up with friends again.  it´s great.

but anyway... i am almost done cooking up a stir fry so i gotta go so that it doesn´t burn.  would love to see you all for a bit while i am home so give me a ring or a text.